கற்க கசடறக் கற்பவை கற்றபின்

நிற்க அதற்குத் தக.

- திருவள்ளுவர்.

Let a man learn thoroughly whatever he may learn and let his conduct be worthy of his learning.



In the words of  NELSON MANDELA,

 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.



Not to forget the Inspiring quote by  Swami Vivekananda,

Arise ! Awake !! and stop not until the goal is reached.



We at ABC

not only impart knowledge but

Why Choose
ABC Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Smart Class Room

A smart classroom includes audio, images, video, multimedia content, etc. It increases the engagement and strengthens the teaching and learning activity for both teachers and students.


Modern Schools must have laboratories to facilitate the learning of the students. Our School has well-equipped and separate laboratories for Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Play Ground

The school playground is a safe outdoor environment within the school with all modern facilities that energize children to use their creative energy in healthy interaction with each other.

Club Activities

Our school has modern clubs to enhance students' talents. Our wide range of clubs are Tamil Illakiya Mandram, English Literary Society, Maths Club, Science Club, Nature Club, Quiz Club, Computer Science Club, Music Club, Robotics


The School has a well-equipped air-conditioned and computerized library. The library also provides students and teachers with a wide range of reference books, encyclopedias, and internet facilities to enrich their classroom activities and knowledge.


Our school buses are managed by the school. minimized transit routes, speed governor, and GPS tracking are surveyed by management. Our staff takes full responsibility for each and every student's boarding and departure.


Student Say!